Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tough Momma

So growing up my family was never one to really make a big deal out of injurys. I mean, I have two sisters and between the three of us very little happened as far as injury, but none-the-less a skinned knee or sprained wrist got no more then the minimal amount of attention. Even on days we were sick the general rule was "go to school, if you are that sick they will send you home".... because of this as an adult I have never been one to dwell on injurys, pains, illnesses, etc. My wife, however.... the opposite. She needs significant attention paid to every boo-boo, and heaven help if she is sick.... you basically are best to just say far, far away.

Anyway, this relates to my blog becuase parenting little man has not only challenged my patience and nerves, but I have also sustained more injuries in the 6 months he has been with us then my entire adult life. The past month, when we have had to start restraining him when he is out of control is really where these have happened. The significant scratches, pinches and bruises to my arms and legs have been, while annoying, pretty easy for me to overlook. I have an extremely high tolarance for pain and I don't believe that while he is being restrained he is in enough control of his body to understand what he is doing. Also, these things have been either small enough to not notice or easy to hide, so I had very little need to share this type of thing with people in my everyday life.... until this weekend that is.....

Following a new restraint position that I quickly realized did not work when I got a severe head-butt to my upper cheek I noticed something out of my left eye.... I asked Mom, "is there something on my face?" (mind you, all the while holding little man down and waiting for the police to arrive). Her face turned white and she said "oh my god little man, you have done it now! Momma has a big black eye!". Soon the police arrived and after refusing the need to be "checked out" by medical folks, I just waited for the swelling to stop and the bruising to begin.... and begin it did! I currently and sporting quite a shiner, and even two days later cannot cover it up with make-up. You can imagine that my business is now pretty out there, because when you are wearing something like this on your face, people ask questions....

Ultimately the black eye is not really that big of a deal to me.... but what I have noticed more than ever before is how big a deal it is to everyone else. This has made me realize that it really is pretty screwed up to be getting these types of injuries on a regular basis, whether it is on my leg or on my face. I feel like I am starting to lose hope, and that loss is coming with recognizing this is not something I can keep to myself, it is not a bruise I can cover up and hide (although I did consider Paris Hilton sunglasses and/or a veil, both of which I figured would get more attention than the actual eye).

Mom appears to me to be totally done. I am afraid she is hanging on because of me, and the fact that I am not done. I have also been amazed at how hard it is for her to see my face like this... I mean, while it is my face I don't really look at myself that often (contrary to popular demand ;) ).
Anyway, I am feeling much less hope today. Of course, the benefit of taking things one day at a time is that tomorrow might be different, if we can make it till then......


  1. So glad you posted. Also, be sure to take a pic, even if you don't want to look at it or post it here. You know the meaning of one day at a time. I am just in awe. I wish I could do something to help. I'm praying. I love you guys.

  2. oh, believe me, Mom has a running photo trail of pics of my eye.... I may post one....
